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Outfalls at In the Open

6 - 28 September 2017

Sheffield Institute of Arts

This two-venue exhibition brought together works by those who practice collaboratively and variously as artists, poets, performers, curators and academics. All work was made by at least two collaborators across disciplines to explore, through research and practice, ideas around landscape, place, ecology and environment. Some of the collaborative groupings were new, having been brought together especially for this exhibition, contrasting with other long-standing working relationships. The exhibition reflected artists’ pre-occupation and experimentation with space on the wall, on screen and within the book-space in relation to landscape. It consisted of artworks in a variety of media, including artists’ books, texts, images, films, paintings and objects, all of which are the result of Cross, Multi, Inter, Trans collaborative practices. Exhibiting these works in conversation with each other offered an enriched perspective of our relationship to landscape and expand notions of collaboration.


This exhibition was run in association with Cross Multi Inter Trans: Biennial Conference of ASLE-UKI with Land2, 6-8 September 2017 at Sheffield Hallam University. It was co-sponsored by ASLE-UKI (The Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, UK and Ireland) and LAND2 (“land squared”), a creative practice-led research network of artist/lecturers and research students with an interest in landscape/place-oriented art practice.

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